The orphan Severino lives in a provincial orphanage. Subjected to regular harassment by educators and students, alike, he dreams of escaping to the distant Cuba, which he knows through the stories of the postman. After escaping from the institution he goes to the big city. Provoked by video advertising, Severino decides to take over a hotel’s elevator, believing that it is the subway of the rich. He ends up trapped in a delusion.
Bulgaria, 2014, 15 min
Script: Petko Yakimov
Director: Petko Yakimov
Cinematography: Chavdar Kolarov
Music: Mihail Shishkov
Cast: Stefan Marinov, Itshak Fintsi, Stanislav Pishtalov, Zlatko Echev, Georgi Iliev
Production: New Bulgarian University
With the support of: National Academy of Art, Nu Boyana Film, Bulgarian National Television